Sunday, November 23, 2008

Extreme Living: God's will for My Life

So here we go with a second entry...this one completely different from the first.

in the last few months, Satan has been fairly active in my life, trying to get me to follow his ways, and the ways of the world. Unfortunately, I was perfectly fine with that. I was doing absolutely nothing to prevent him from taking over. My devotional times were non-existent. I went to church because I was expected too, not because I wanted too. Any opportunity or excuse I could find not to go, I would use.

That all changed recently, when I met a girl. This is going to seem ironic, because the girl who inspired me to go back to God is not a believer. She's pretty much anti-everything that has to do with God. Sad as it may be, we started hanging out a lot, and I was working out a way in my mind how we could be together even though God expressly forbids marriage to a non-believer.

Thankfully, my God is Awesome indeed. He brought another girl into my life. This one a fairly strong Christian. She loaned me some books on relationships and dating through God's eyes. Reading them, I became convicted of my lack of a prayer life, or anything else even remotely God-like in my life. I started going to Him in prayer at all hours of the day, even late at night in my bed. I prayed for God to renew my walk with Him. and amazingly enough, I started noticing God answer my prayers. it's such a wonderful feeling knowing that even though I pretty much turned my back on God, He still cared enough to Love me when I returned to him.

Now, I know the road ahead won't be easy, but at least God will be by my side every step of the way. With His help, I know I can make it through this journey we call Life.

That's all for now,
Kevin Sieg