Monday, September 12, 2011


Hey blogger universe!
I am very frustrated right now. There are very few downsides in my current living arrangement, but there is one very big one. Whenever I try to have a serious discussion/debate with the roomies, it always ends in disaster. The problem is that they refuse to admit that they're ever wrong, and most of the time they resort to non-relevant extreme methods to "win".
One of my favorites was "Boo!" Whenever I'd try to say anything, regardless of how logical it was, the answer they had was "boo". The current method is to throw out something so ridiculously outlandishly false that it makes me throw something just as ridiculous back so that they'll see how stupid they sound. This rarely works, but does have the upside of being an argument-ender, as people usually get too upset to continue. It's just difficult, because I'm actually fond of having serious conversations, just not with people who can't admit they're wrong.

In the less depressing news department, Fantasy Football is going full swing, and Week One looks like it'll be a winner! The Packers had an explosive first game, which would normally be good, but since I have no Packers on my team and my opponent had 3, it wasn't great for me personally. Still happy they won, and the rest of my team managed to pull off a victory anyway.

Also, Mary Ellen hosted Second Saturday this month, and while my family was at a wedding and unable to attend, we still had a decent turn out, and I got in some serious volleyball time.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Importing Hotness


Decided to throw some more knowledge your way. I was working last night (at Kohls), and I made some observations. Ok, actually I only made one observation. All foreign exchange student are better looking than the host family's daughter. There were three separate instances where they came through my line, and it made me want to become a host family...

that's all.