Friday, December 25, 2009

Future Thoughts

Every time I start thinking about the future it makes me sad. I like the way things are now. I Loved the way they used to be. Of course there are some things I like about the present, but when I refer to the past and future I'm talking about my family, mostly.

Just reading that confuses me a little, and I wrote it. Let me try to explain. I love to play, board, sports, you name it, I like to play it. The problem is it requires others to fully enjoy games. That's why I enjoy visiting my parents so much. My mom and sister will almost always be in the mood for a game, and sometimes there's other around as well. The only sad times I have there are when the games end. I'm almost always in favor of continuing on, but most people don't share my passion for games. I realize it's not the greatest thing in the world to be passionate about, but it's who I am, so I'm not going to fight it.

Anyway, the point is that I was thinking about what life will be like after September, and Sandy's wedding. She won't be live at home anymore, so my visits will lose the one thing I enjoy the most. And then because my mind works in funny ways, I think about when the time comes that either my dad sells the farm, or worse, dies, and then I won't even have the home to come home too.

It makes me long for the old days when computers didn't hog so much time. The days when we all lived at home and just had school to worry about. I'm grateful for all the fun memories I have as kid, especially the ones that involve playing with my family, even if I didn't always appreciate them at the time.

I realize that I can't stop time, but I just wish that things didn't change so much.

Sorry my Christmas post doesn't have a lot of cheer in it.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Random Writings

I'm never really sure what to write in here. You'd think it would be easy to come up with a subject seeing as my life is usually so busy I don't even have time to update this. Oh well...guess I'll just start typing and we'll see what happens.

Went to Jeff's last night for another fun cookout. Yes, I realize it's winter. This just in: Brats are good YEAR ROUND! who knew? Anyway, it's not like we hang out outside...just do the cooking there. And he has a deck, so it's not even a big deal. I would argue that winter cookouts are even more special, cuz in the summer EVERYONE has cookouts.

Just 5 more shopping days left before Christmas! I keep thinking work will slow down after that, until I remember that I know how to work customer service now, so I'll probably be doing thousands of returns. Fun times...

Of my 3 Fantasy Football teams, I only made the playoffs in one league, despite having more total points than anyone else. Sometimes life just isn't fair. Oh well, at least I have ONE team with a chance...

In a related bit of news, I'm predicting that the Packers knock the Saints off in the playoffs, only to lose to the Vikings who will go on to get Favre that second Super bowl ring. Favre 4ever!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Cookies for Christmas

As I gear up for another round of New Years resolutions, I'm reminded of my old ones, specifically the one where I pledged to update this regularly. Unless "regularly" now means once every 3 months, I'm doing a terrible job. Look for me to rectify that in the coming days/weeks as I strive to get into the habit of telling the world about my life. The "world" being Mary Ellen and Lindsey, as they are apparently the only readers.

On to the subject of this blog: Christmas cookies! Yum!
On one Saturday in December every year my parents house is filled with a number of aunts and grandmas and such who are intent on making every kind of cookie imaginable. I usually try to make an appearance, not so much for the baking part, but more for the taking a bucket of fresh cookies home part.

That day just happens to be tomorrow.
