Friday, December 4, 2009

Cookies for Christmas

As I gear up for another round of New Years resolutions, I'm reminded of my old ones, specifically the one where I pledged to update this regularly. Unless "regularly" now means once every 3 months, I'm doing a terrible job. Look for me to rectify that in the coming days/weeks as I strive to get into the habit of telling the world about my life. The "world" being Mary Ellen and Lindsey, as they are apparently the only readers.

On to the subject of this blog: Christmas cookies! Yum!
On one Saturday in December every year my parents house is filled with a number of aunts and grandmas and such who are intent on making every kind of cookie imaginable. I usually try to make an appearance, not so much for the baking part, but more for the taking a bucket of fresh cookies home part.

That day just happens to be tomorrow.



lonelygirl18 said...

Chrsitmas cookies rock!

Mary Ellen said...

lol.... haha, if I hadn't had been busy I would have tried to come seeing as Sandy said I could. ;)
What kind of cookies did you get to steal way?

Unknown said...

Mm, Christmas cookies! I ate 5 so far this year.. :) yum yum!

~Courtney Jo~ said...

make that seven :)