Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolutions 2009--The Results

It would seem that I would (or should) be writing my NEW resolutions on this day; however, I have decided to report on last years, and write the 2010 resolutions next week. Here we go!

Resolution2009#1: Read More.
Being that this is an ambiguous sort of goal, I had set a number at 18. I am not at home right now to count, but I know I at least came close on this one. I spent a small fortune at Borders, but found it was well worth it. Most of the books I read were Non-Fiction, which I think makes them count for more, because I was learning at the same time. Some random titles that I read this past year, and would recommend:

Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street
A delightful read that not only covers Sesame Street, but also doubles as an unofficial bio for Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets. There's also a lot about the early days of PBS and children's television in general.

Emperors of Chocolate
This book should not be read unless you have a handy supply of your favorite candy nearby. It goes through every little detail of the forming of the two chocolate behemoths in America, Mars and Hershey, while also covering how the two interacted. This was my second time reading it, and it was even better the second time around.

More Than a Game: The Glorious Present and Uncertain Future of the NFL
I will admit that this book is only of interest if you actually like sports, specifically football. I do, and definitely feel better informed having read it. Some other sports related books I completed this year were The Yankee Years by Joe Torre, Black and Blue: a History of the NFC North, and multiple biographies of some of my favorite Wrestlers.

There were also a few Christian Living books, as well as some John Grisham novels, and more Sports magazines than you can shake a stick at. While I realize those are not books, they did take a lot of my reading time, so they should count for something.

On to Resolution2009#2: Scrapbook at least through 2008.
The only scrapbooking I accomplished this year was Chicago: The Musical. Alas, all of 2008 is still sitting in stacks in my scrapbook bin or even some still on the cameras. Lazy me.

Resolution2009#3: Reduce Debt.
This one is tricky. I don't think I actually reduced my debt load, but I did realize that I have a problem, and have taken steps to insure that I won't fall deeper. Hopefully by 2011 I'll have begun to reduce it.

Resolution2009#4: Get Married.
Whoops. Guess I was reaching just a little on this one...although I would have failed even if the goal had been to simply get a girlfriend.

Resolution2009#5: Make an Appearance on Couchcapades.
Never happened, but that's Libby's fault.

Resolution2009#6: Update the Blog.
In 2009, I updated this thing a total of 13 times. That's a little more than once a month, and if you cut out the Resolution entry, it was just 12 times, for an average of ONCE a month. Pathetic. Next year, we'll shoot for double that.

Resolution2009#7: Exercise Regularly.
I went jogging ONE time. I walked to church twice, and work once. Wow. 4 times. EPIC FAIL!

Tune in later for the 2010 Resolutions.


Mary Ellen said...

I think the trick to resolutions is to set your goal for the opposite of what you really want. Because it seem like you always try something and the opposite ends up happening.

I think they call it, reverse psychology. ;)

~Courtney Jo~ said...

lol Mary Ellen! I like your comment! That is so true! I mean if you set resolutions like:

Avoid reading - chances are you are going to read.. something..! lol, and then after the year is over, even though you "failed" all your resolutions, you can still feel great! :-P

Mary Ellen said...

So mister.... when's the next post??? You're letting us down here!!! ;)