Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Magic of Draft

Well, now that I'm back on the blogging train, I figure I might as well try to keep some momentum, even if it's just a quick update about the minutiae of my day to day life.

Football kicked off today, which means another season of fretting over which Bengals player scored their lone touchdown. Just kidding, I don't have any Bengals on my fantasy squad. I like winning. I do have Aaron Rodgers, and while he did his usual amazing work, the Packers failed to notch the W. Oh well, I don't worry about that as much as I used too. Fantasy has slowly eroded my loyalty to any one team, as I'm more worried about individual performances. Also, I've been evolving as a Brewers fan for the last couple of years, and they've made me immune to losing.

Football as a whole is less important to me as it mostly takes place on Sunday afternoon, and I have taken up a new hobby that fills that time slot. Drafting Magic at the mall. I know it sounds nerdy, but it's a fun way to spend an afternoon playing games with entertaining people. I'd like to say I'm good at it, but I think luck has more to do with it. I do win on occasion, but i mostly just like the camaraderie. Growing my collection of cards doesn't hurt, either.

That's probably good for today.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Oh hey, Kevin's writing again. And what a surprise, the entry is about his favorite depressing topic: Girls. Specifically the lack of one in my life. Ever.

First some backstory. Last September I began working at Burrachos. There's an entry about that a couple back. This second job made me retire from musicals, and while I didn't miss it, some friends recently twisted my arm into coming back for one more show. Two weeks later I'm not loving the work involved in memorizing dance steps, but it's fun to be around girls again, if only for a few hours every night.

The problem: As is my custom, I seem to have befriended the high school crowd. I know, another shocker. Kevin likes 'em young. Eh, I am who I am. I refuse to apologize for it. It's not like I ever cross the line and actually do anything remotely illegal. Anyhoo, fun as they are, I don't spend all my time with the under 18 crowd. There is one girl who is 20, and today I had the pleasure of having a real conversation with her for about 20 minutes while we waited for our turn to dance. She's nice and has a great smile, and me being the funny guy I am, made her laugh a lot. This made me feel good about myself. Got that warm happy feeling.

Right, back to the point. It turns out she only just started dating a guy a week ago. One she met on OK Cupid. AUGHHHHHH!!!! I have been on that site for years, with no takers even remotely close to Carly. Love is a cruel mistress, not that I would know what love is, as it seems to enjoy hiding from me.

To thicken the plot, she gets me. Thicken isn't really the right word. It's more like twisting the knife. We talked today about what I really need is to find a girl who has the same adolescent mindset as me. I don't mean that in a dirty way, just someone who enjoys the simple things of life, like playing games and goofing off. You know, the stuff we used to do before adulthood got in the way. Maybe that doesn't make much sense, but seeing how no one reads this anyway, I guess it just doesn't matter.

Guess that pretty much closes out this depressing chapter.