Friday, December 25, 2009

Future Thoughts

Every time I start thinking about the future it makes me sad. I like the way things are now. I Loved the way they used to be. Of course there are some things I like about the present, but when I refer to the past and future I'm talking about my family, mostly.

Just reading that confuses me a little, and I wrote it. Let me try to explain. I love to play, board, sports, you name it, I like to play it. The problem is it requires others to fully enjoy games. That's why I enjoy visiting my parents so much. My mom and sister will almost always be in the mood for a game, and sometimes there's other around as well. The only sad times I have there are when the games end. I'm almost always in favor of continuing on, but most people don't share my passion for games. I realize it's not the greatest thing in the world to be passionate about, but it's who I am, so I'm not going to fight it.

Anyway, the point is that I was thinking about what life will be like after September, and Sandy's wedding. She won't be live at home anymore, so my visits will lose the one thing I enjoy the most. And then because my mind works in funny ways, I think about when the time comes that either my dad sells the farm, or worse, dies, and then I won't even have the home to come home too.

It makes me long for the old days when computers didn't hog so much time. The days when we all lived at home and just had school to worry about. I'm grateful for all the fun memories I have as kid, especially the ones that involve playing with my family, even if I didn't always appreciate them at the time.

I realize that I can't stop time, but I just wish that things didn't change so much.

Sorry my Christmas post doesn't have a lot of cheer in it.



lonelygirl18 said...

I still think It's so great that Sandy's getting married!

Mary Ellen said...

Hey Kev, I share your sadness. lol...
AND your passion for games (maybe not as much as you do though, lol).
Just be glad you have the people to play games with. I think I can only get my family to play games once or twice a year.

I am also sad in some ways that Sandy will be married in Sept. Don't get me wrong, I am sooo thrilled for her.
Also, you have to remember that Sandy and Matt will very likely "run" the farm when your parents get older.

Sooooo... my word of advice to you is:

Hakuna Matata! ;)

Happy New Year, Kevin! =D

P.S. you know if you start your own family then you won't have anything to worry about. lol ;)