Saturday, December 19, 2009

Random Writings

I'm never really sure what to write in here. You'd think it would be easy to come up with a subject seeing as my life is usually so busy I don't even have time to update this. Oh well...guess I'll just start typing and we'll see what happens.

Went to Jeff's last night for another fun cookout. Yes, I realize it's winter. This just in: Brats are good YEAR ROUND! who knew? Anyway, it's not like we hang out outside...just do the cooking there. And he has a deck, so it's not even a big deal. I would argue that winter cookouts are even more special, cuz in the summer EVERYONE has cookouts.

Just 5 more shopping days left before Christmas! I keep thinking work will slow down after that, until I remember that I know how to work customer service now, so I'll probably be doing thousands of returns. Fun times...

Of my 3 Fantasy Football teams, I only made the playoffs in one league, despite having more total points than anyone else. Sometimes life just isn't fair. Oh well, at least I have ONE team with a chance...

In a related bit of news, I'm predicting that the Packers knock the Saints off in the playoffs, only to lose to the Vikings who will go on to get Favre that second Super bowl ring. Favre 4ever!

Merry Christmas!


~Courtney Jo~ said...

I definitely agree Kevin! Brats are delicious year round! Yum! They are the best. :)


Mary Ellen said...

lol good post. =)