Thursday, May 14, 2009

Entourage versus Numb3rs (sorta)

So this is going to be a slightly unorthodox post in that it won't be about me, but about two shows I have recently started watching. It's been a little while since I watched the first season of Entourage, and I've only seen the one versus two of Numbers, but I figure if it wasn't memorable enough for me to remember the fine points, then it probably doesn't deserve to be considered as favorably.

And now as I was typing that, I came up with a BRILLIANT idea...well, at least an entertaining one. I'm going to make a list of all the tv shows I have seen, and compare them, March Madness style until I come out with an ultimate champion. Sort of a poor mans guide to what you should watch(and is worth spending your money on) and letting you know what you should avoid entirely.

Compiling this list, as well as all the hard data I will need might take a bit, and so I have to cut this short, but rest assured, within a month I will at least have started posting the results here.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Goodbye Letter

Settle down...don't get over-excited. I'm not leaving Blogspot. I'm not moving anywhere. I'm definitely not going to kill myself. But I have thought about what would happen if I died suddenly.

See, the thing is, I have a lot of freetime at work when I close. All it is is putting boxes back on the shelf in a neat and orderly fashion. It takes almost no skill or brainpower whatsoever. This leaves me with a good 3-4 hours or so to think about random stuff. Usually I run through lines or songs if I'm currently in a Musical, but at the moment I'm on hiatus. Sometimes I think about my various sporting franchises on the PS2, basically making decisions for when I get home. Lame right?

Well, a couple nights ago, I was thinking about that song, "What Would You Say" and it got me thinking about what I would write if I knew I was dying and had only a short amount of time left. It's a pretty deep topic. I've spent a lot of time these last few days thinking about what really matters in my life, what loose ends I'd want to tie up. There are people who have done so much to shape my life that I've never really thanked. There are others I would want to encourage, let them know that they are God's light in this darkened world. There might even be one that I profess my love for, though I doubt if I ever actually will physically tell her. And of course, there would be goodbyes. Not your simple everyday ones, but long, heartfelt ones letting them know how much I've appreciated everything they've done with me and for me.

I'm not actually going to write this least not on here. I plan on getting a notebook and updating it yearly, but keeping it hidden and secret so no one will actually read it til after I'm gone, which hopefully won't be for a good many years. Still, I felt like sharing my idea, and maybe inspire others to do the same.

Kevin Sieg

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fun Times, Fun Times

The last couple of days have been just packed with neat little adventures, and because I've become increasingly lethargic about taking pictures of things, I'm going to have to type them out so I can look back and remember these times.

Let's start with Anything Goes. The spring show at the Guild always comes with swell times. For one thing, Jeff McLain is always in it. For another, it's the annual Purity Test. Also, we get to have cool parties at Jeff's house. come to think of it, everything good about the spring show is related to McLain. Don't get me wrong...I love to perform, and being with so many talented fun-loving people is a blast, but sometimes I just wish there was a way to do it without all the rehearsal. You know, just have the parties, the people, and the performances. Granted, the show wouldn't be nearly as rockin'...

What next? Let's go to basketball at the parent's place. This isn't just your average run-of-the-mill basketball game...this is a gloves-off, drag-down, knock-out fun fest! Matt and I teamed up with a 7 foot hoop to totally dominate the girls' team. Wonder what would happen with TWO hoops and twice as many people?...

Tonight was definitely a highlight. On facebook, I'm referring to it as "one of Life's Little Moments" It was originally supposed to be a rollerskating party for The Bridge college group, but everyone was busy...everyone except Jenn.

Let me tell you about Jenn. She was in Anything Goes with me, and when I met her, I thought she was in High school...turns out, she's actually 22 and attending UW Eau Claire. Who knew? I only found out because I got roped into attending V-Ball this year. As much as I like dancing, I wasn't sure how I was going to do with 7 hours of crowded dance floors. Lucky for me, God has a plan. Not long after I arrived, I bumped into Jenn. She was by herself, and we started talking. Things just clicked. We spent the whole night hanging out and I had a fabulous time.

Anyway, back to the original point. Jenn was able to come rollerskating, and though she was a bit wobbly, the night flew by. We ended it with a stop at DQ, where I pulled out the old "salt shaker through the table" trick. Good times were had by all.

As a sidenote, the two of us are NOT dating. We're just friends, and the rest is in God's hands. For now, I'm just going to continue enjoying her company as we try out the many amenities of Eau Claire.

Peace, Yo!