Saturday, January 10, 2009

Singing the Blues [Clues]

Being in this latest musical has definitely made me realize something...I can completely love a show, greatly enjoy being in said show, and still not actually like the people I'm in the show with. I should probably warn you that this will be a bit of a whiny post which doesn't necessarily reflect poorly on my fellow cast mates as much as my lousy attitude toward them.

The problem, as it appears to me, is that there is a distinct lack of people who I am completely at ease with. The majority of the cast is high school girls which never used to be a problem for me, until everyone started making fun of me for hanging out with that particular age group. Something about it being not generally an accepted practice in our society. Furthermore, the ones who ARE my age are all "involved" shall we say, with other members of the cast, IE: Amy and Taylor, Libby and Nina with their cronie Kathryn.

I guess the biggest problem is that I can't handle being left out. I don't generally like being alone, and this show has made that unfortunate section of my life quite painfully obvious. That, however, is another entry entirely.

I guess I'll just focus on the joy I get from singing and dancing as a giant salt shaker. It sounds strange, but I love every second of my stage time, even if I am in a ridiculous outfit. Also, it makes me appreciate my ties to the Theatre Guild even more, and Anything Goes simply cannot come soon enough. To quote Don Cheadle in Ocean's Eleven, "That's terrific! It will be nice working with proper villains again!"

Kevin "Mr. Salt" Sieg

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