Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009: And so it begins.

For my first entry of 2009, what else could I possibly write about then New Years Resolutions? Thanks to the amusingly inspirational Danielle Ryan, I have to decided to actually make some this year.

My first resolution, which I proclaimed to my roommates a couple nights ago, is to make at least one New Years Resolution. I think I already succeeded with this one, so let's move on to the "real" resolutions for '09. For the record, they are going to be in no particular order, as I haven't actually thought of any yet, and will be written out as I think of them. Here goes!!

1. Read more. I used to read all the time, but since my introduction to the PS2, it has definitely fallen by the wayside. The new goal is to read at least 18 books by the end of the year. "Books" shall hereafter be defined as being of at least 150 pages in length, and have to be at least 75% words...I know 18 seems like a smallish number, but I believe in attainable goals, as the whole point of these things is too make you feel better about your life.

2. Finish scrap booking at least through '08. Right now I'm in June 0f '07, so not so far behind, but still, it'd be nice to catch up to within a year...

3. Pay off my debts and keep total balances due under $1,000 at any given time. Again, $1,000 may seem like a rather large margin of error, but considering that's only $250 per card it would be an improvement. Baby steps. Maybe next year we can knock it down to $500 or less.

4. Get Married. No, I'm just kidding. But it would be nice to get a girlfriend and maybe even a fiance?

5. Make an Appearance on Couchcapades. This one is entirely dependent on Libby, so hopefully he reads this. Most of you probably don't even know what Couchcapades is. Google it. Those are the guys I live with.

6. How many of these are you supposed to make? Number 6 will be update this blog regularly. I've never been all that good at keeping things updated, but we'll try to turn over a new leaf, to borrow a cliche phrase.

7. least once a week. Again with the wimpy goal, but like I said, attainable is good, and it'd be a vast improvement over exercising 4 times a year, which is the current ratio...also "exercise" shall hereafter be defined as any strenuous activity that lasts at least 20 minutes and has no other goal but to be exercise. This means that work, musicals, shoveling snow, and walking to the grocery store DON'T count.

That seems like enough. Tune in next year to find out how I did.

Burger Me,
Kevin Sieg

1 comment:

Danielle Ryan said...

Hey, I'm in your blog.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the couchcapades thing...