Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Wondeful World of Books

So as per one of my resolutions, I have been reading quite a bit lately. So far this year I have read:
Starr: The Bart Starr story
Black and Blue: A history of the NFC Central Division
and three quarters of Street Gang: The Complete History of Sesame Street

You might have noticed that all the books are about real people and/or places and/or things. This is because I enjoy reading about things that actually happened. It somehow makes it worthwhile in my mind to spend time reading if the final result is that I'm smarter than I was before. This isn't to say that I won't read non-historical books. The next one on the queue is The Appeal by John Grisham, and while John has written more and more historical books of late, this one is in the mold of his, it's about lawyers.

Basically, I just have to be entertained by it. If I don't feel forced into reading it, then I'm not opposed to it. There has been several times over the last few weeks where I was distracted by other things and simply could not read. It wasn't because the books were lame or boring, because they definitely weren't. The fact of the matter is that I view reading as a pure entertainment option, although I'm not opposed to learning something along the way.

One problem that has arisen from this is that I can't afford all the books I want. I would absolutely love to read about WWII. Borders has a number of books about the Russians and Germans and Italians before and during the war. I'm fascinated by all of them...just by reading the blurbs on the inside cover. Some day I plan on reading many of them, limited partially by the time I have for reading, but mostly by the cost. In addition to the WWII books, I have always enjoyed reading about the civil war. The current book I am most interested in acquiring is Team of Rivals which is about Lincolns cabinet.

Anyway, I'm off to read more about Sesame Street...and I hear Grisham has a new book coming out in February...

Kevin Sieg

1 comment:

~Courtney Jo~ said...

hello !~!

this is Courtney Dunn!

:) nice 2 see you have a blog