Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Apologies to my loyal followers. All two of you. Seriously folks, I feel bad for promising more, and then dropping you altogether. Let's try and correct this.

Probably be best to start with a few updates. I got the job at Burrachos, and I like it. It's flexible with my scheduling, and it seems easy enough. Hopefully they like me as well, and this is the start of a long and beneficial partnership.

Speaking of partnerships, albeit not long and beneficial ones, things are pretty much done with the OKC girl. It's for the best. She was definitely wanting more on the sex side of things, and since I pretty much draw the line at cuddling, it wasn't going to work out. Curse me and my morals.

I had designs on making this longer, but it's late and I'm drinking.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Update on the OKC Girl

After a very fun weekend, one in which I've made solid headway with a possible girlfriend, I decided it was time for an update.

Saturday, I had the chance to discuss some things with one of my followers. She kind of shocked me by bringing up the subject of The Girl, because I haven't told anyone about her yet. I just feel like jumping the gun might jinx things. Anyway, we also discussed some other things, and I kind of wish we had talked more. On a side note, I bumped into her at Gordy's today while picking up chips for a family get together.

On the subject of the title, we've graduated to texting, and it seems like a possible movie date is imminent. All I know for sure so far is that I've had to empty my inbox once already...

In other news, those of you who follow my facebook feed are also aware that I've recently applied for a second job at Burrachos. The interviews are going well, but I'm not sure it will actually fit with my Kohl's schedule. I'm going to discuss it with my manager tomorrow, but I have a bad feeling that I'll have to tell Burrachos no. Sucky poos.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Welcome to the Future

Ok, here's the dealio. I WANT to write on here more. I really do. Problem: most of my deep thoughts occur while I'm laying in bed, not the most convenient time to record them. I've tried remedying that by logging on here before I go to bed, so I can write out what's on my mind.
This "solution" has hit it's own snag: OkCupid.

"What's OkCupid?" you say. Well, I'll tell you. It's this free dating website that my BFF Jeff told me about. I don't think any of you readers have met him, but that's off-topic, so maybe we can visit it in a later post.

Anyway, I know what you're thinking. "A dating website! This guys a loser. Can't even meet women." Well I have news for you: It's the 21st century, and this is the way we do it nowadays. My pastor is even supportive of the internet dating(henceforth to be referred to as IDate) movement. He feels God gave us this technology to help us meet the one He has for us. As long as you don't abuse it, and technology can be a great helper in the dating world. Also, I read somewhere that 1 in 5 marriages are couples who met online. So there, Stigma removed.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the reason I don't post every day. The way the whole IDate thing is different than real dating is that you don't meet in person write away, and in my experience you don't start texting for awhile either. You mostly write messages back and forth, finding out about each other, seeing if there's any chemistry there. Fact is, I'm having one very promising exchange with a girl (fingers crossed) and one spiritual discussion with another.

You have to understand, my typing skills suck. I can only do so much in one sitting, and OKCupid is Priority One.

Kevin "awesome" Sieg

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Twofer

So after some careful thought, especially after yesterday's tiny entry, I've decided that it's going to be more of a Blog-a-day WHEN I have time to actually write out something. While it seems this opens a pretty big loophole, I'll try to skip days only like yesterday when my time is tightly budgeted. Ok, got that out of the way, now for today's news.

Lunch today was at Subway, mostly because I wanted pulled pork, and that seemed like the easiest way to get some. Normally this wouldn't really be exciting, but after I had eaten the first half, I was staring at the second 6 inches and thinking it'd be nice if it was chicken-bacon-ranch. this led me to come up with a absolutely brilliant idea. Wouldn't it be nice if Subway let you do half-and-half subs? I understand that they're broken into different price brackets, but it seems if you pick two from the same section it shouldn't matter. I can't tell you how much I would enjoy eating a fresh pulled pork followed by a cool ranch covered chicken bacon sandwich. Subway, take note!

Also happening today, a nice afternoon visit with an old friend. Sometimes it's good to just meet up with pals from the past and talk about where life has taken us. Definitely an afternoon well spent. I recommend having all conversations about the past on playground equipment. Makes remembering more fun.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not Enough Hours in the Day

Hey, not much time to write today. I'm doing laundry at the Parents house, and I work overnight, so this will be the first of what I'm sure will be many one to two paragraph posts over the course of this experiment. Sometimes my schedule will just not be conducive to writing out long philosophical thoughts.

Seeya tomorrow!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Blog-a-Day starting...NOW

Hey, new plan. I've decided that I will be updating this thing once a day for as long as I remember to do it. I figure that even if it's just a paragraph or two, I can think of something to write about everyday. I have a lot of things I think about, as well as several grievances it'd be nice to get out in the open. Let me tell you, I meet some stupid people in my line of work.

Today's topic will be the sweeping changes I would like to make in my life, although I'm guessing I won't actually take the initiative to implement most of them. Maybe someday, but I tend to have lots of big ideas and plans, and then fail to follow up.

First, I'm starting to get a spare tire, so I'd like to give up Snickers and Soda. Should also help in the money department, assuming I don't fill it with some other junk food. I'm thinking I'll get some peanut butter crackers from Sam's Club to fill in for the Snickers, and maybe some juice to replace the soda.

Second, I'm thinking about looking into a gym membership. I could also start doing pushups and situps, but a gym might be more fun. I just need to get my Ipod up and running so that I'll have something to listen too. Getting that fixed should also inspire me to walk to work more...I used too, but then it got so dang hot everyday.

That's all for today's entry.

Blog Post 2011: This time, it's for real.

Well, since I've deleted my previous last post, it looks like it's been forever since I wrote on here. Actually, even with that post it's been a long time. I always mean to write things, but I never seem to be near a computer when I have thoughts. I often think that it'd be nice to have a transcript of my daily thoughts that I could peruse, edit, and post on a regular basis. This would be especially helpful since my typing skills are atrocious. Thanks for nothing, Mavis Beacon.

I was planning on typing a long entry, but I forgot how hard this whole typing thing is, especially with this weird ergonomic keyboard Robert left us when he moved out. Also, it's after midnight, and can you really trust your thoughts at this time of day? I'm not sure some of the things I think about are necessarily appropriate for a blog setting. That being said, I've always been a proponent of saying what's on your mind. prevents a lot of confusion down the road, even if it means hurting some feelings in the immediate.

Tonight as I was laying in my bed, (yup, I got up to type this) my thoughts were on how fast time flies, and how little I've actually accomplished with my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with the way things are, and there's a lot I wouldn't change, but not everything's perfect. Basically, I was thinking about me being almost 27, single, and living in a rented duplex with two other dudes who also have failed to do much with their respective lives, although one of them is making a solid effort at becoming a full fledged member of adult society. By that I mean he has a serious girlfriend, a couple jobs to earn some money, and is attempting to finish his degree so he can someday settle down and start a family. I respect that, and sometimes wish I had my life figured out.

Honestly, I don't think the college route is a viable option for me at this point. I realize the pay is not great, but I love my job at Kohl's, and think I could be happy doing it for the next 50 years. The problem is that I will eventually run out of roommates, and unless I figure out how to get these credit cards payed off, I'll never be able to afford a place of my own. Anyone got a basement they could let some foolish lad live in? I'm not currently in the market, but somewhere down the road I might be...

Once again, I promise to write more soon, but that is one promise I never seem to be able to keep.
