Saturday, August 6, 2011

Welcome to the Future

Ok, here's the dealio. I WANT to write on here more. I really do. Problem: most of my deep thoughts occur while I'm laying in bed, not the most convenient time to record them. I've tried remedying that by logging on here before I go to bed, so I can write out what's on my mind.
This "solution" has hit it's own snag: OkCupid.

"What's OkCupid?" you say. Well, I'll tell you. It's this free dating website that my BFF Jeff told me about. I don't think any of you readers have met him, but that's off-topic, so maybe we can visit it in a later post.

Anyway, I know what you're thinking. "A dating website! This guys a loser. Can't even meet women." Well I have news for you: It's the 21st century, and this is the way we do it nowadays. My pastor is even supportive of the internet dating(henceforth to be referred to as IDate) movement. He feels God gave us this technology to help us meet the one He has for us. As long as you don't abuse it, and technology can be a great helper in the dating world. Also, I read somewhere that 1 in 5 marriages are couples who met online. So there, Stigma removed.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the reason I don't post every day. The way the whole IDate thing is different than real dating is that you don't meet in person write away, and in my experience you don't start texting for awhile either. You mostly write messages back and forth, finding out about each other, seeing if there's any chemistry there. Fact is, I'm having one very promising exchange with a girl (fingers crossed) and one spiritual discussion with another.

You have to understand, my typing skills suck. I can only do so much in one sitting, and OKCupid is Priority One.

Kevin "awesome" Sieg

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